Miranda, NSW 2228

Residential Demolition – Miranda, NSW 2228

Miranda is known as the commercial centre for the Sutherland shire and southern suburbs, the Westfield shopping centre attracts shoppers from the Sutherland Shire, the St George area and as far away as Wollongong making it the perfect place for a mixture of low, medium and high density residential properties. As such Miranda is undergoing an ongoing development process and we are proud to be a part of that.

A man named Thomas Holt (1811–88) owned the land that Miranda is located on. James Murphy, the manager of the Thomas Holt’s estate named suburb after a character in the William Shakespeare play The Tempest. In a letter written in 1921, he said “the name Miranda was given to the locality by me as manager of the Holt Sutherland Company which I formed in 1881. I thought it a soft, euphonious, musical and appropriate name for a beautiful place.”

Project Name
Residential demolition
Project Location
Miranda, NSW 2228